
Recently Kuo et al. [1,2] and Satio et al.[3] presented the surface-thermal lens (STL) technique, this novel photothermal deformation technique has attracted great attention because it is a highly sensitive, noncontact and nondestructive measurement[4–6]. In this technique, a modulated pump beam is focused on the sample surface to produce the surface deformation and a cw probe beam is incident at the deformation region. Differing from the conventional photothermal deformation techniques, the spot size of the probe beam at the sample surface is much larger than the pump beam one. Then the probe beam reflected from the surface produces a diffraction pattern at the detection plane. More recently, STL technique has been successfully applied to study the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of semiconductor materials[5], weak absorption of optical thin films[6] and characterization of the solid materials[7,8]. However, the mechanism of STL phenomena has not been completely understood. Most theoretical models took no account of the influence of the air-thermal lens (ATL), although some experiment showed that the air significantly affected the detected diffraction pattern[2]. In addition, it is necessary to characterize frequency responses of signals because the response is used to determine the thermal property of the solid materials[5].KeywordsModulation FrequencyProbe BeamPump BeamDetection PlaneThin Gold FilmThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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