
Geese are notoriously poor reproducers in comparison with other domestic fowl primarily due to a short laying season. Light has been widely used to stimulate non-seasonal production in chickens and turkeys (Byerly and Moore, 1941; Harper and Parker, 1957). This study was initiated to determine whether non-seasonal production could be achieved in domestic geese. Several lighting regimes were used to determine the feasibility of this production change in geese. Periods of restricted light were used to determine the importance of refractiveness to light during a period of decreasing daylight. The goose project at this station is being terminated and it was felt that the results of this limited study should be made available to other investigators.EXPERIMENTALEmden geese ranging in age from two to five years were taken at random from the University of Minnesota flock on November 13, 1958 and assigned to four groups. The birds were housed …

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