
Different plants respond to photoperiod in diverse manners. There are three major types of the responses of photoperiodism in plants: short-day responses (SD), long-day responses (LD) and dayneutral responses (DN). The LD plants flower most rapidly under high intensity of light provided for a large period of time while the short day plants flower rapidly only if light is provided for a short period of time. The plants with day-neutral responses, does not depends on the conditions of photoperiod in order to flower. Every plant behaves according to the length of light on its own way. In this study the plants that were considered shows distinct responses. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa), for example responded towards longday photoperiod. Synthetic hexaploids showed a slight photoperiodic response of Triricum turgidum rather than the accessions of Triticum tauschii. Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum) showed a day neutral response but some modern tomatoes had mild short day response towards photoperiodism. The tuberization in potato (Solanum tuberosum) was favored by short day photoperiodic response as well as cool temperature.

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