
The study was conducted in one of the own palm orchards located in the area of the village of Albu Assaf - Al-Dawwar, which is 10 km west of Ramadi city / Anbar Governorate, during the 2020-2021 season to know the effect of three levels of fertilizer combinations F0:0, F1: 600 g of urea (N 276) + 350 g of triple superphosphate (P2O5 168 ) + 500 g of potassium sulfate (K2O 240), 1200 g urea (552 N) + 700 g triple superphosphate (P2O5 336) + 1000 g potassium sulfate (K2O 480) and three levels of humic acid H0:0, H1:15, H2:30 ml. L-1 and two levels of a combination of biofertilizers, Trichoderma(Trichoderma harzianum) and Mycorrhizal(Glomus mosseae) B0:0, B1:300 ml Trichoderma + 400 g Mycorrhizal, with three replications for each treatment, To find out the effect of three levels of fertilizer combinations, three levels of humic acid and two levels of bio-fertilizer combination on the vegetative growth characteristics of date palm trees of the Khastawi cultivar. The results indicated the superiority of the level of F2 chemical fertilization in vegetative traits, including the dry matter of leaves, leaflet length, leaflet width, leaf length and increase in the leaves number of gave47.6372 %, 0.7128cm, 0.2436cm, 22.1039cm, 8.5000 leaves, respectively. The H2 of humic acid achieved the best values in the characteristics of the leaves dry matter percentage (%), the length and width of the leaflet, leaf length, and increased leaves number gave 48.1889 %, 0.6872cm, 0.2132cm, 21.8745cm, 8.5556 leaves, respectively, results also indicated the superiority of level B1 of the biofertilizer mixture in the characteristics of leaf dry matter percentage, leaflet width, leaf length and increase in leaf number, 45.5852%, 0.2122cm, 21.6867cm, 8.4444 leaves, respectively. The triple interaction F2H2B1 treatment achieved high averages in the characteristics of the dry matter percentage of leaves, leaflet length, leaf length and the increase in the number of leaves, 50.6900 %, 0.7400cm, 24.0662cm, 9.3333 leaves.

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