
Seven of 8 granular insecticides had no adverse effect on corn growth when used at 4 lb AI/acre as a 7-in. band on the row surface. This rate of Mocap® ( O -ethyl S, S -dipropyl phosphorodithioate) did reduce corn yield. As an index of phytotoxicity, granular formulations were drilled into the soil with the seed. Carbofuran, even at 4 lb/acre, seemed to have a positive effect on corn growth. Diazinon, fensulfothion, and disulfoton caused minimal adverse effects when used at 1 lb/acre in the seed furrow whereas Bux® Insecticide ( m -(1-ethylpropyl)phenyl methylcarbamate mixture (1:4) with m -(1-methylbutyl) phenyl methylcarbamate), Dyfonate® ( O -ethyl S -phenyl ethylphosphonodithioate), and phorate showed marked phytotoxicity. Landrin® (3,4,5-trimethylphenyl methylcarbamate, 75%; 2,3,5-trimethylphenyl methylcarbamate, 18%), and Mocap were extremely phytotoxic to corn when placed with the seed in the furrow.

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