
Canola is one of the important oil crops and is considered the most promising oil source and adapts to reclaimed soil conditions. The current study aimed to evaluate the influence of yeast extract (YE) integrated with nitrogen (N) rates and treatments were arranged as follows: Control (without F0), 95 kg N ha−1 (F1), 120 kg N ha−1 (F2), 142 kg N ha−1 (F3), 95 kg N ha−1 + YE (F4), 120 kg N ha−1 + YE (F5) and 142 kg N ha−1 + YE (F6) on physico-chemical properties, yield and its components for three Canola genotypes i.e. AD201 (G1), Topaz and SemuDNK 234/84 under the sandy soil. In this work, Results reveal that increasing rates of Nitrogen fertilization from 95 kg N ha−1 to 142 kg N ha−1 have a great effect on physicochemical properties yield and its components. The result proved that 142 kg N ha−1 with yeast treatment was the best treatment for three Canola genotypes. Also, the result showed that seed yield was positively correlated with Chl. a/b ratio, plant height, number of branches/plant, number of pods/plant, and number of seeds/pod, and a strong negative correlation was detected between seed oil percentage when the amount of nitrogen fertilization applied without or with yeast extract is increased.

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