
Treatment of broodlac (lac encrusted host sticks with fully mature living mother lac cells ready to produce young ones) is ecofriendly and cost effective tool for managing the biotic stress harbouring seed material. This study aims to bring down the pest population harbouring broodlac by treating the seed material. Response of insecticides on emergence of predators and parasitoids from treated broodlac was assessed under laboratory conditions by dipping kusmi broodlac in insecticidal formulations and subsequent inoculation of treated broodlac on lac host, Flemingia semialata in field. Broodlac obtained from summer season kusmi lac crop raised on Schleichera oleosa (kusum) was dipped in insecticidal solution of indoxacarb (0.007, 0.014 and 0.021%), spinosad (0.005, 0.007 and 0.01%), fipronil (0.007, 0.014 and 0.02%) and ethofenprox (0.02, 0.03 and 0.04%) for 15 min. No detrimental effect of insecticides on emergence and survival were noticed. Normal emergence and settlement on lac host Flemingia semialata seen clearly indicating the safety of insecticides. Significant reduction in lepidopteran predators and hymenopteran parasitoids population was observed from the treated broodlac. Maximum reduction in Eublemma amabilis emergence was observed with spinosad (100%) followed by indoxacarb (97.92 to 100%), ethofenprox (75 to 93.75%) and fipronil (72.92 to 91.67%). All the insecticides have shown very good response on Pseudohypatopa pulverea. Emergence of parasitoids of lac insect viz., Tachardiaephagus tachardiae, Aprostocetus purpureus and Eupelmus tachardiae was significantly low from treated broodlac. Reduction in population of T. tachardiae in different treatments varied from 47.06 to 89.71%, A. purpureus from 61.54 to 100%, E. tachardiae (male) from 38.46 to 100% and E. tachardiae (female) from 45.45 to 100%. Study clearly indicates that the treatment of broodlac prior to inoculation can be safely and effectively used as a tool in IPM programmes selective insecticides namely indoxacarb, fipronil, spinosad and ethofenprox can be safely and effectively used.

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