
1. The crucial point of disturbance experiments in streams is the extent to which they can simulate a natural spate. Ideally, disturbance experiments should proceed side by side with a phenomenological study to allow a direct comparison. In the present study conducted in a prealpine Swiss river, the River Necker, fortuitous events made such a comparison possible.2. In summer 1994, we took Surber samples one day before and on several sampling dates after a major flood (recurrence interval ≈ 5 years), which was followed by a long period of uniform discharge in a river characterized by frequent spates. Beginning 19 days after this flood, patches of the stream bed (≈ 9 m2) were physically disturbed by kicking and raking.3. The degrees of reduction in the total number of individuals and the dominant taxa were similar after both types of disturbance, as were the recolonization patterns of Rhithrogena spp., Leuctra spp. and Hydracarina. Chironomidae, Baetis spp., Simuliidae, Pentaneurini and Corynoneura/Thienemanniella spp. showed a distinct lag phase after the flood before recolonization began, whereas there was no such lag phase after the experiment. Therefore, the time needed to recover to pre‐flood densities was longer for these taxa. Nevertheless, recolonization rates and patterns after the lag phase were similar to those after the experimental disturbance.4. Size‐class measurements indicated that recruitment from egg hatching may have been more important after the flood than after the experimental disturbance for Rhithrogena spp., but not for Chironomidae, Baetis spp., Simuliidae, Pentaneurini and Leuctra spp. Invertebrate drift was probably the most important pathway of recolonization after both types of disturbance.5. Our experiment allowed a realistic simulation of several important effects of the large flood on the invertebrate community. Smaller spates that induce substratum movement at a spatial scale similar to our experimental plots are much more common than large floods in the River Necker. For these spates, our experiment should provide an even more realistic simulation of natural disturbance.

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