
Increasing the liveweight of ewe lambs during gestation may have positive effects on lamb birthweight and weaning weight and also on ewe lamb liveweight at weaning. Specific times during the gestation period of the ewe lamb may be more responsive to improved nutrition and increases in liveweight. The objective of this work was to use a meta-analytic approach to investigate the effects of ewe lamb liveweight at mating and during pregnancy on lamb birth and weaning weights, and the ewe lamb’s liveweight at weaning. Increasing ewe lamb liveweight in early gestation and in particular before mating gave the greatest increases in the birth and weaning weight of the lambs, and also of the ewe lamb’s liveweight at weaning compared with increasing liveweight in the second and third trimester of gestation. This indicates that management practices for ewe lambs that generate higher liveweight at mating are likely to result in increased lamb survival, higher weaning percentages, greater lamb weaning weights and create rising 2-year-old ewes with better liveweight for mating in the subsequent season. Compared with ewe lambs that gave birth and reared singletons to weaning, those ewe lambs that gave birth to twins and reared twins had greater increases in lamb birthweights, lamb weaning weights and ewe lamb weights at weaning for each extra kilogram of ewe lamb liveweight during gestation. For ewe lambs, especially those that birth and rear twins, management options that increase the pre-mating weights will have the greatest response in lamb birthweight, weaning weight and liveweight of the ewe lamb itself at weaning.

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