
We wish to remind our readers that the purpose of our manuscript was to address the use of the Power Spectral Analysis (PSA) method which was developed by astronomers Yu and Peebles two decades ago to establish the presence of periodicity and/or quantization. We have been particularly motivated by the work of Tifft, Arp and others who have claimed that quantization plays a major role in astronomy. In addition, we examined and presented recent, accurate redshift data for the Coma cluster—owing to older data being employed as a “proof” of quantization, particularly by Tifft and Cocke, and allegedly establishing a 72.5 km/sec “quantization velocity.” We showed that the PSA method—which has been widely applied by others to “demonstrate” periodicity—exhibits no anomalies with respect to the Coma redshift data. However, we make no claims, either pro or con of the existence of subclustering. We find no substantial anomaly in the redshift distribution, but make no claims concerning the three-dimensional distribution, which is not available solely from redshift data. We claimed and implied nothing on the issue of subclustering.

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