
This research aimed to study the effect of microclimate modification of pensby misting and the goats breeds (Boer and Ettawa crossbreeds) on physiological responses to adapt to the hot environments. The study was conducted from August-September 2018 at the UPTD Goat Breeding Center, Lampung Plantation and Livestock Service Office located in Negeri Sakti, Pesawaran Regency. The study used a split plot design in completely randomized design. Two treatments were applied in this study, namely modification of the pen consisting of pens without misting and pens with misting and the goat breed namely Boerawa and Ettawa crossbreed (PE). Twelve female goats were used in this study, each of six Boerawa and PE respectively. The parameters observed were microclimate conditions, namely air temperature,relative humidity, and Temperature Humidity Index (THI) and physiological responses consisted of respiration rate, heart rate, rectal temperature, and Heat Tolerance Coefficient (HTC). The results showed that there was no effect of the interaction between the treatment of misting and the breeds of goat on respiration rate, heart rate, rectal temperature, and HTC. Misting can improve air temperature, THI, respiration rate and HTC, on the other hand, does not affect the heart rate and rectal temperature. Goat breed has no effect on all physiological responses. Thus, modification of the microclimate by misting effectively maintains body temperature under normal conditions and increases the adaptability of goats to hot environments. Keywords: Physiological Responses, Microclimate Conditions, Microclimate Modification, Misting


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  • The results showed that there was no effect of the interaction between the treatment of misting and the breeds of goat on respiration rate, heart rate, rectal temperature, and heat tolerance coefficient (HTC)

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Penelitian dilaksanakan di kandang UPTD Balai Pembibitan Ternak Kambing, Dinas Perkebunan dan Peternakan Lampung yang berlokasi di Negeri Sakti, Kabupaten Pesawaran. Dua perlakuan diterapkan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu perlakuan modifikasi iklim mikro kandang yang terdiri kandang tanpa pengkabutan (TP) dan kandang dengan pengkabutan (P) serta perlakuan pada bangsa kambing Boerawa (B) dan kambing Peranakan Ettawa (PE). Parameter yang diamati terdiri atas iklim mikro (suhu udara, kelembaban udara relatif (RH), dan temperatur humidity index (THI)), dan kondisi fisiologis (suhu rektal, frekuensi respirasi, frekuensi denyut jantung, heat tolerance coefficient (HTC)). Cara pengukuran dilakukan menurut Qisthon et al (2018), yaitu suhu rektal diukur dengan memasukkan termometer klinis digital ke dalam rektum kambing dan ujungnya menyentuh mucosa hingga terdengan bunyi alarm dari termometer (sekitar 1-2 menit). Heat tolerance coefficient dihitung dengan rumus Benezra (Thakare et al, 2017) menggunakan data suhu rektal dan frekuensi respirasi yang diperoleh, yaitu: HTC = (RT/39,44) + (RR/24). Data fisiologis dianalisis dengan sidik ragam dan uji-t untuk data mikroklimat dengan bantuan software statistik IBM-SPSS ver.

Tanpa Pengkabutan
Fans Now to Comfort Cows
Pascasarjana Fakultas Peternakan
Peternakan dalam Mendukung Kedaulatan
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