
Providing challenging curriculum in a literacy classroom of students whose reading abilities range widely can be a challenge. Integrating interdisciplinary book selections into a self-selected reading program, however, provides students with challenge by engaging them with big ideas. This article describes methods of integrating advanced interdisciplinary pedagogy into a reading approach, called the Schoolwide Enrichment Model in Reading (SEM-R) for talented readers. In this approach, introductions to thematically connected texts during book hooks encourage readers to engage with new topics, authors, and genres. Students build fluency and comprehension through independent reading with the support of teachers who point out connections among texts and ideas. Individual conferences allow teachers to determine each student’s need for support and challenge. Independent explorations allow students to delve into areas of interest and explore connections among topics through further reading, internet research, and writing projects. Investigating interdisciplinary ideas and complex themes can incorporate challenge for all readers but can be especially engaging and enriching for academically talented students who are also advanced readers.

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