
ABSTRACTCATTLE FARMERS’S RESPONSE ON APPLICATION OF ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION (AI) TEGNOLOGY IN TONDEGESAN VILLAGE KAWANGKOAN DISTRICT, MINAHASA REGENCY. The government encourages the cattle farming industry through science and technology to increase the productivity of livestock businesses in order to be able to increase the livestock population. The objective of this study was to determine the farmer's response to the adoption of artificial insemination technology (IB) at the village of Tondegesan Dua, Kawangkoan District, Minahasa Regency and to evaluate their knowledge on artificial insemination motivation and technology adoption (IB) in Tondegesan two Village, Kawangkoan District, Minahasa Regency. Data sources were based on primary and secondary data. Data collection were conducted by observation and interview method. The farmer population were involving 42 farmers following artificial insemination and not following artificial insemination activities, but they were aware of artificial insemination technology. The number of samples taken were 30 farmers. Determination of the sample was purposively taken at the village of Tondegesan Dua. The measurement of the research indicator was carried out by applying a Likert scale. Test was done on the relationship between the variables of farmer response to artificial insemination. The results showed that the farmer's responses to artificial insemination were in a fairly good category based on the results of the study. It can be concluded that the farmer's response to the artificial insemination was quite good. Keywords: Farmer motivation, artificial Insemination technology, Tondegesan Dua village.

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