
In several years ago, the natural rubber price shows a negative trend. This condition make a rubber smallholder face difficulties in life. This paper study the efforts made by rubber smallholder to face low rubber prices. Methods in this paper used descriptive analysis with literature studies of the efforts undertaken by rubber smallholder in several rubber producer countries, especially in Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, and Laos to face low rubber price. This study show that the alternative effort undertaken by rubber smallholder to face low rubber price generally was 1) management of cost production by reduced fertilizer and others factor production which no disturbed rubber income; 2) develop other crops by intercropping technique on rubber interrow; 3) looking for side jobs such as construction laborers, public transportation drivers, opening stalls and catching fish; 4) take of loans to maintain the standard of household living; 5) implement a joint marketing system to obtain a better rubber price; 6 continue to tapping as usual and trying to access the government assistance programs that were oriented towards the sustainability of rubber agribusiness; 7) selling or renting out some of the old rubber land that is no longer productive; 8) carry out new plantings with or without government assistance. The alternative strategy that is considered the most relevant in dealing with low rubber prices and supporting the sustainability of natural rubber agribusiness at this time is the intercropping strategy


  • Thailand adalah negara produsen karet alam terbesar di dunia

  • Produktivitas lahan yang menurun dialami Malaysia sejak akhir tahun 2011 akibat pembatasan impor bahan baku kondom dan sarung tangan oleh China sebagai negara tujuan ekspor karet alam terbesar Malaysia (Wee dan Singaravello, 2018)

  • Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, 5(2): 1-19

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AGRO ESTATE Jurnal Budidaya Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit dan Karet

RESPON PETANI KARET THAILAND, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, VIETNAM, INDIA, DAN LAOS MENGHADAPI RENDAHNYA HARGA KARET. RESPONSE OF RUBBER SMALLHOLDER IN THAILAND, INDONESIA, MALAYSIA, VIETNAM, INDIA, DAN LAOS FACED LOW RUBBER PRICE. Tulisan ini mengkaji upaya-upaya yang dilakukan petani karet kecil dalam menghadapi rendahnya harga karet. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah analisis deskriptif melalui studi literatur terhadap upaya yang dilakukan petani karet kecil di beberapa negara produsen karet khususnya Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, India, dan Laos dalam menghadapi rendahnya harga. Adapun alternatif strategi yang dianggap paling relevan dalam menghadapi rendahnya harga dan mendukung keberlanjutan agribisnis karet alam saat ini adalah strategi intercropping tanaman sela

Upaya tersebut dapat dirangkum dalam
Alternatif strategi
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