
The study aimed to determine the response of growth and production of peanuts to the provision of goat manure and banana hump liquid organic fertilizer. This study used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 3 replications. Factorial consisting of II treatment factors, Factor I treatment of giving goat manure and Factor II, the treatment of Hump Banana POC treatment The parameters observed in this study; Plant height (cm), number of branches (branches), number of pods per sample (fruit), wet weight of production per sample (g), wet weight of production per plot (g), production dry weight per sample (g), and dry weight Production Per Plot (g). The results showed that goat manure had an effect on growth but did not affect the production of peanut plants, liquid organic fertilizer of banana humps had an influence on the growth and production of peanut plants, Combination of goat manure and banana hump liquid organic fertilizer had no significant effect on growth and production of peanut plants.


  • Abstrak Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui respon pertumbuhan dan produksi kacang tanah terhadap pemberian pupuk kandang kambing dan pupuk organik cair bonggol pisang

  • The study aimed to determine the response of growth and production of peanuts to the provision of goat manure and banana hump liquid organic fertilizer

  • Factorial consisting of II treatment factors, Factor I treatment of giving goat manure and Factor II, the treatment of Hump Banana Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) treatment The parameters observed in this study; Plant height, number of branches, number of pods per sample, wet weight of production per sample (g), wet weight of production per plot (g), production dry weight per sample (g), and dry weight Production Per Plot (g)

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METODE PENELITIAN Persiapan penelitian dan rancangan percobaan

Selanjutnya gula merah dilarutkan sebanyak 500 gram ke dalam ember yang berisi 20 liter air kemudian campurkan bahan aktifator EM4 setelah itu di campurkan kotoran kandang kambing di terpal kemudian diaduk hingga merata dan di tutup dengan penutup terpal kemudian fermentasi hingga pupuk menjadi matang selama 14 hari atau 2 minggu. Selanjutnya melarutkan gula merah sebanyak 500 gram ke dalam 20 liter air cucian beras yang berada di tong penampung, kemudian bonggol pisang dipotong, lalu masukan biaktivator EM4 sebanyak 250 ml, dan diaduk hingga merata, kemudian diamkan atau fermentasikan selama 2 minggu. Pupuk kandang kambing 1 minggu sebelum tanam, dengan cara di taburkan secara merata di permukaan bedengan dengan dosis sesuai dengan perlakuan yaitu, tanpa perlakuan (0 kg), 3 kg/plot dan 6 kg/plot. Data tersebut dianalisis dengan perhitungan sesuai dengan kaidah analisis rancangan acak kelompok dua factorial

HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Pengaruh pertumbuhan Fisiologis
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