
Earthquake-resistant building structures designs usually are not considering the influence of non-structural walls. In fact, non-structural walls could give additional strength for building especially to help retaining seismic loads. The Influence of masonry walls on infill frame building structure model to the open frame model became the objective in this study. Spectrum response and time history are applied to both types of model to know and compare the behavior of those two samples. The observed building is an educational facility and located in an area prone to earthquakes. The parameters used in this research are based on natural periods, shear forces, and drift ratios. After performing linear analysis, the drift ratio on each floor of the building could be categorized as safe condition because it has not exceeded its limit. Structural models with masonry walls have larger stiffness than open frames. Moreover, the greater structure stiffness in the infill frame model is able to narrow the drifts that occur from the inter-story drift ratio to be smaller. Due to higher stiffness, the base shear results from structures with infill frame system models are also larger than structures modeled with open frames system.


  • Earthquake-resistant building structures designs usually are not considering the influence of non-structural walls

  • The Influence of masonry walls on infill frame building structure model to the open frame model became the objective in this study

  • Spectrum response and time history are applied to both types of model to know

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Gempa Bumi

Gempa bumi adalah bergetarnya permukaan tanah karena pelepasan energi secara tiba-tiba akibat dari pecah/slipnya massa batuan dilapisan kerak bumi. Akumulasi energi yang dilepaskan dihasilkan dari pergerakan lempeng tektonik akibat gaya gravitasi, pergerakan lempeng tersebut mengakibatkan adanya regangan/tegangan pada batuan, ketika tegangan maksimum batuan terlampaui maka terjadi pelepasan energi (Prawirodikromo W., 2012). Energi yang dilepaskan pada pusat patahan akan merambat ke segala arah sebagai gelombang seismik hingga mencapai ke permukaan tanah. Getaran permukaan tanah yang diakibatkan oleh aktivitas/pergerakan lempeng tektonik disebut gempa tektonik. Richart et el., 1970 menjelaskan bahwa dari kedua kelompok gelombang tersebut, gelombang permukaan membawa energi yang lebih besar dari pada gelombang bodi. Namun..dikarenakan gelombang bodi memilki kecepatan rambat lebih besar, dimana gelombang yang paling cepat merambat adalah. Maka dapat disimpulkan gelombang bodi akan tercatat lebih dahulu dibanding gelombang permukaan

Degree of Freedom
Drift Ratio
Kategori resiko
Spektrum Response
Open Frame
Time History
Dinamik Time History Menggunakan
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