
Night entertainments become a special attraction for tourists to fulfill their holidays in Bali with just listening to the music’s or enjoying drinks provided in bars, discotheque/cafes. By these facilities, Bali become a magnet of both domestic and foreign tourists.
 The types of data used are qualitative and quantitative data, while the data sources used are primary data and secondary data. The data collecting is done with the observation field, in-depth interview, and questionnaires. Then the data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative with the record and explain the results cleary based on the formulation of a problem that has been determined, as well as questionnaires are analyzed using quantitative data as data supporters of the research. 
 The results of this research explains that there are several different types of activities that can be done in place of evening entertainment, including dancing, enjoy music, and enjoy drinks and meals are offered in the café/restaurant. Then from the results of the questionnaire obtained the results that the response of local communities included in the stages of Apathy, which previously accepted as tourism sector economic growth but this time its presence was felt not to mention everything. People living in the surroundings feel uncomfortable and insecure due to the activity of the night until the early hours
 Keywords :Response of Local People, Night Entertainment, Legian Kuta


  • The results of this research explains that there are several different types of activities that can be done in place of evening entertainment, including dancing, enjoy music, and enjoy drinks and meals are offered in the café/restaurant

  • Night entertainments become a special attraction for tourists to fulfill their holidays in Bali

  • enjoying drinks provided in bars

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Menurut UU No.[10] tahun 2009 tentang kepariwisataan, menjelaskan bahwa kepariwisataan merupakan bagian integral dari pembangunan nasional yang dilakukan secara sistematis, terencana, terpadu, berkelanjutan dan bertanggung jawab dengan tetap memberikan perlindungan terhadap nilai-nilai agama, budaya yang hidup dalam masyarakat, kelestarian dan mutu lingkungan hidup serta kepentingan nasional. Pemerintah maupun masyarakat setempat harus siap terhadap dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh adanya kegiatan pariwisata. Mendefinisikan masyarakat lokal sebagai penduduk asli yang bermukim dikawasan wisata dan menjadi salah satu pemain kunci dalam pariwisata karena merekalah yang akan menyediakan sebagai besar atraksi dan sekaligus menentukan kualitas produk wisata. Dengan demikian lingkungan sekitar juga mampu mempengaruhi moral dan etika masyarakat seperti perilaku dan sopan santun terhadap sesamanya. Perubahan perilaku seseorang dapat terjadi karena adanya pengaruh dari budaya barat yang masuk ke Indonesia yang berbentuk seperti diskotik, bar, dan tempat-tempat karaoke. Selain itu tempat hiburan malam juga mampu menjadi penyebab tingginya tingkat kriminalitas disuatu daerah tujuan wisata, serta akan menurunkan nilai-nilai keagamaan, budaya, adat-istiadat dan kesopanan. Berdasarkan fenomena tersebut, penelitian ini dianggap penting untuk mengetahui respon dari masyarakat lokal terhadap adanya aktivitas hiburan malam disekitar lingkungan tempat tinggal mereka

Konsep Masyarakat Lokal menurut
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