
During much of the COVID-19 pandemic, respiratory viruses other than SARS-CoV-2 did not infect immunocompromised patients. As mitigation strategies lighten, there has been a rapid resurgence of respiratory viruses globally. This review will summarize our current options for the management of the common respiratory viruses in transplant recipients. Expansion of the availability and increased utilization of multiplex molecular assays have allowed the recognition of the scope of respiratory virus infections in the transplant populations. New antivirals for influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), parainfluenza virus (PIV) and adenovirus show promise to improve outcomes of these important infections. Several new antiviral agents, including combination therapy of oseltamivir as well as baloxavir for influenza, fusion and nucleoprotein inhibitors for RSV, DAS181 for PIV and brincidofovir for adenovirus, hold promise to speed clearance of the virus, improve clinical outcomes and reduce the risk of resistance emergence.

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