
Injection of cholinomimetics into the medial pontine reticular formation (mPRF) of intact, unanesthetized cat causes a rapid eye movement (REM) sleep-like state and respiratory depression. The mPRF contains no concentrations of respiratory neurons, and this study examined the hypothesis that respiratory depression evoked from the mPRF is synaptically mediated. The mPRF of conscious cats was injected with bethanechol to define an mPRF zone causing state-dependent respiratory depression. Bethanechol caused a 361% increase in the REM sleep-like state and a 37% decrease in minute ventilation. Additional cats were injected with the retrograde fluorescent tracers True Blue and either Fluoro-Gold or Diamidino Yellow aimed for the cholinoceptive mPRF or for the pontine respiratory group (PRG). After mPRF dye injection, 1) labeling was observed in the PRG, dorsal respiratory group (DRG), and ventral respiratory group (VRG); and 2) double-labeled cells were observed in the VRG and PRG. Dye injections into the PRG produced contralateral and ipsilateral fluorescent labeling of the mPRF, DRG, and VRG. Thus cholinoceptive regions of the mPRF involved in REM sleep generation have reciprocal monosynaptic connections with the PRG and receive monosynaptic projections from the DRG and VRG.

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