
Part 1 Epidemiology of respiratory infections in the elderly, David Bentley and Joseph M. Mylotte: pneumonia - incidence, demographics defining the patient at risk community-acquired pneumonia nursing home-related pneumonia nosocomial pneumonia and relation to underlying illness tuberculosis - an increasing problem in the elderly airway infections - acute bronchitis in patients with lung disease. Part 2 Pulmonary host defenses in the elderly, Anthony L. Esposito: overview of the normal respiratory host defense system impairments in respiratory host defenses in the elderly - impairments related in aging impairments related to coexisting illness, including malnutrition impairments related to therapeutic interventions and medications. Part 3 Community-acquired pneumonia in the elderly, Michael S. Niederman and Alan M. Fein: general features - presentations, laboratory findings, effect on coexisting illness, relationship of presentation to outcome specific common bacterial and viral infections - pneumococcus, legionella, gram-negative microorganisms, viral pneumonia / influenza. Part 4 The common cold, Ann R. Falsey: incidence clinical features morbidity and complications therapy - antiviral approaches, symptom control. Part 5 Influenza in the elderly, Thomas R. Cate: clinical syndromes, including variations in the elderly complicatons therapy prevention, including control in nursing homes. Part 6 Airway infection, Robert A. Stockley: acute bronchitis - presentation, complications, therapy bronchiectasis - clinical picture, pathogenesis, antibiotic therapy and prophylaxis, diagnostic techniques. Part 7 Newer or emerging pulmonary pathogens for respiratory infection in the elderly, Elizabeth A. Williams and Abraham Verghese: common pathogens in the elderly newer pathogens - why do they emerge in the elderly? clinical settings for the new pathogens. Part 8 Tuberculosis in the elderly, Asim K. Dutt and William W. Stead: clinical features - how tuberculosis differs in the elderly diagnosis and control of tuberculosis in nursing homes therapy and prophylaxis of tuberculosis in the elderly. Part 9 Nosocomial pneumonia in the elderly, Michael S. Niederman: the postoperative patient the intubated patient aspiration pneumonia in the hospital. Part 10 Pharmacology of antimocrobials in the elderly. Part 11 Aspiration pneumonia in the elderly. Part 12 Slowly resolving pneumonia in the elderly. Part 13 Airborne infections in nursing homes. Part 14 Respiratory infections in the elderly. Part contents.

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