
Sleep breathing disorders (SBD) especially obstructive hypopnea apnea syndrome (OSA) in patients with stroke are common and can complicate their evolution. The objective was analyzing the different sleep breathing disorders in patients with stroke. Descriptive, cross-sectional and retrospective study of acute ischemic stroke patients, using nightly polysomnography with oximetry (PSG). It was a descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study during 19 months; 53 patients with stroke were included, with a men age of 67 ±12 years and 62% were men. SBD was evaluated by nocturnal polysomnography with oximetry within 10 days of installing the stroke. The Apnea hypopnea index (AHI) was 24.5±20, of mild grade in 21%, moderate in 31%, severe grade in 34%. The average oxygen saturation time less than 90% was 38 ±51 minutes. The minimum oxygen saturation was marked in infratentorial lesions. We found a high percentage of OSA, which was associated with older patients and a higher body mass index. There was a marked decrease in the minimum oxygen saturation and greater tendency to present central apneas in infratentorial lesion. Early diagnosis and treatment could minimize neuronal damage and improve prognosis.

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