
1. Analysis of 68 records of respiration in the newborn one hour of age or less is presented.2. From this study it has definitely been shown that demerol and hyoscine, no matter when administered, exert no effect on the respiration of the newborn from 7 minutes to one hour of age. This had been accepted as a clinical fact; however, prior to this time, no accurate assay has been presented.3. It has been shown that a general anesthetic, when it is properly administered, exerts no effect on the respiration of the newborn after 7 minutes of age.4. During the first hour of life infants born of primiparous mothers had a lower respiratory volume per pound body weight than those born of multiparous mothers.5. The volume of air inspired per minute per pound body weight is greater during the first hour following delivery than later during the first day of life.6. Values are presented which can be used as normal values for respiration in the very young infant.

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