
Late Onset Pompe Disease (LOPD) is an incurable, rare progressive genetic disease. It is characterized by glycogen build-up, due to mutations in the gene encoding the lysosomal enzyme acid alpha glucosidase, throughout muscle and neural regions. This accumulation is associated with cell death and muscle fiber swelling, eventually leading to respiratory insuffciency and airway clearance (i.e. cough) deficiency. Impairments in effective airway clearance result from the inability to clear normal pulmonary volume. Emerging evidence indicates significant respiratory neuron dysfunction, altering pulmonary function in humans and animal models. It has been suggested that respiratory and airway clearance insuffciency observed in LOPD may be attributed to medullary motoneurons potentially associated with the respiratory and cough pattern generators (Fuller et al., 2013; DeRuisseau et al., 2009). However, the precise neural mechanisms that suppress breathing and cough are not fully understood. One possible target for LOPD respiratory insuffciencies may be reduced medullary inspiratory neuron activity within this network, which could result in decreased phrenic motoneuron output. Using a stochastic neural network simulator that consisted of discrete “integrate and fire” populations, we simulated a systematic decrease in three medullary inspiratory neuron populations: inspiratory driver (I-Driver), inspiratory decrementing (I-Dec), or inspiratory augmenting (I-Aug) neurons. We simulated breathing and three cough trials. By targeting these populations, we expected global decreased neural bursts, suppressed inspiratory motor drive, and/or suppressed expiratory motoneuron output. Simulations indicated that when the I-Dec motoneuron population decreased by 25%, it resulted in apnea and abolished cough. Reducing the I-Aug motoneuron population by 20% resulted in longer inspiratory phase durations (TI) and a decreased respiratory rate. During cough, there was a decrease in the duration and amplitudes of the expiratory motoneuronal activity associated with decreased cough receptor and pulmonary stretch receptor afferent feedback. When the I-Driver motoneuron population was reduced by 25%, TI decreased and I amplitude increased during respiration. During cough, lumbar and phrenic motoneuron discharge duration and amplitude decreased. These results are consistent with previously reported in vivo data. Overall, our simulation data support the plausibility of glycogen storage dysfunction impairing medullary neuronal and premotoneuronal excitability within the inspiratory network. Our results also suggest that some neurons may be more sensitive to glycogen storage than others within the brainstem inspiratory network. Supported by NHLBI L30HL165496, NIH T32 HL 134621 and 3OT2OD023854. This is the full abstract presented at the American Physiology Summit 2024 meeting and is only available in HTML format. There are no additional versions or additional content available for this abstract. Physiology was not involved in the peer review process.

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