
The analysis of data obtained from continuous monitoring of respiratory signals (CMRS) holds significant importance in improving patient care, optimizing sports performance, and advancing scientific understanding in the field of respiratory health. The R package RespirAnalyzer provides an analytic tool specifically for feature extraction, fractal and complexity analysis for CMRS data. The package covers a wide and comprehensive range of data analysis methods including obtaining inter-breath intervals (IBI) series, plotting time series, obtaining summary statistics of IBI series, conducting power spectral density, multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MFDFA) and multiscale sample entropy analysis, fitting the MFDFA results with the extended binomial multifractal model, displaying results using various plots, etc. This package has been developed from our work in directly analyzing CMRS data and is anticipated to assist fellow researchers in computing the related features of their CMRS data, enabling them to delve into the clinical significance inherent in these features. The package for Windows is available from both Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN): https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/RespirAnalyzer/index.html and GitHub: https://github.com/dongxinzheng/RespirAnalyzer.

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