
Despite the comprehensive approach to the organizational system of ophthalmological services in the Russian Federation, several problems occurred concerning ophthalmological care for children aged 017 years. The statistical data study makes the availability and quality of medical care assessment possible in patients in each Russian Federation region, as well as planning the resource allocation, medicinal volume, and technical support. The article is based on the materials of the federal statistical observation in health resources and their activities: Forma No. 12, 14, 30, and 47. A comparative analysis of the state of the ophthalmological service in the subjects of the Russian Federation in dynamics for 20192020 was conducted on the activities of the bed fund, the staff of ophthalmologists, and the structure of ophthalmology in children. An objective health status assessment of the children of the Russian Federation aged 017 years was conducted in morbidity, the prevalence of eye diseases, and its accessory apparatus. Special attention is paid to the importance and the quality of preventive examinations and their connection with morbidity, including primary interaction of structural units of medical organizations that carry out occupational examinations and conduct patient admissions at the place of residence.
 The presented material is useful in the work of the ophthalmological service, chief freelance ophthalmologists, specialists in organizational and methodological work, and practicing doctors.

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