
The present study was undertaken in Mizoram state to study resource use efficiency in milk production on sample households. Out of the eight districts in Mizoram, three districts were selected purposively based on milk production and cattle population. From each of the three districts, two blocks were selected randomly and from each of the selected block cluster of two to three villages were selected. A sample of 180 milk producing households were selected randomly from the selected villages during the year 2014–15. Linear, Cobb-Douglas and Semi-logs milk production functions were tried to study resource use efficiency. The Cobb-Douglas was found best fit keeping in view sign, significance of regression co-efficient and value of R2 for both crossbred and local cows. The regression coefficients of dry fodder and miscellaneous expenses were found significant for both the animal groups. It was observed that dry fodder and miscellaneous expenses were underutilised for crossbred cows and green fodder was underutilised in case of local cows indicating that use of more quantities of these inputs will further increase the productivity of milch cattle in the study area.

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