
Background: Guidelines have been shown to improve cancer care by standardizing care. In resource-limited settings where there is a consistent increase in disease burden, we need to use finite resources well to ensure adequate care is provided nationwide. In 2016, the African Cancer Coalition wasestablished as a regional collaboration to develop comprehensive standard cancer treatment guidelinestailored to sub–Saharan Africa. Cancer experts from African countries collaborated with the NationalComprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) and the American Cancer Society through a series oforganized meetings to harmonize cancer treatment guidelines. To date, all gynecologic malignancieshave been reviewed and updated on the website.These resource-stratified guidelines are not intended to lower the bar for cancer care in resource-limitedsettings, but to use resources adequately in already constrained settings.Objectives1. Educate members on how to use the harmonized guidelines.2. Use of the guidelines as an educational tool for gynecologic oncology fellowship programs in Kenya.3. Access the wider obstetric and gynecology fraternity to ensure appropriate use of finite resources andto avoid multiple tests before referring patients for care by the gynecologic oncologist.4. Compare the harmonized guidelines to the Kenya national guidelines.

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