
This paper studies the optimization of mechanics and resource allocation in linear vibration energy harvesters operating under an overall size constraint. In such harvesters, the volume aspect ratio and the stroke direction should be carefully selected to maximize output power and power density. Further, because the proof mass and spring stroke must share the available size along the stroke direction, a mass-stroke design trade-off results; the trade-off is optimized here. The optimization further leads to a universal metric the enables the comparison of linear vibration energy harvesters designed to operate in a limited volume. Examination of this metric results in guidelines and best practices for selecting harvester dimensions and shape for a given volume constraint, all based on the dimensional harvester optimization for maximum size-constrained output power. This paper offers several key contributions. First, it provides an evaluation and optimization of the impact that volume shaping and volumetric resource allocation have on the output power of linear vibration energy harvesters. Second, it develops a “universal normalized surface” relating output power to dimensional harvester design. The surface expresses the performance limit of space-constrained linear vibration energy harvesters in terms of their output power density. This leads to universal guidelines for harvester design. Finally, benchmarking harvesters reported in the literature against the universal surface demonstrates that their output performances lie on or below the surface, despite large variations in their exogenous design variables such as vibration amplitude, frequency, volume etc. Thus, this paper offers an effective method to evaluate mechanical design and optimization in state-of-the-art linear vibration energy harvesters under volume constraints, a scenario suited for IoT applications. [2021-0074]

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