
In this paper we study the Resource Allocation (RA) in Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)-based Cognitive Radio (CR) networks, under the consideration of many practical limitations such as imperfect spectrum sensing, limited transmission power, different traffic demands of secondary users, etc. The general RA optimization framework leads to a complex mixed integer programming task which is computationally intractable. We propose to address this hard task in two steps. For the first step, we perform subchannel allocation to satisfy heterogeneous users' rate requirements roughly and remove the intractable integer constraints of the optimization problem. For the second step, we perform power distribution among the OFDM subchannels. By exploiting the problem structure to speedup the Newton step, we propose a barrier-based method which is able to achieve the optimal power distribution with an almost linear complexity, significantly better than the complexity of standard techniques. Moreover, we propose a method which is able to approximate the optimal solution with a constant complexity. Numerical results validate that our proposal exploits the overall capacity of CR systems well subjected to different traffic demands of users and interference constraints with given power budget.

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