
Resonant photoemission final states are reported for the elemental semiconductor Ge and its oxide GeO 2 at the Ge3p photothresholds. The line positions and the multiplet structure of the resonating peaks identifies them as an atomic-like 3d 8 configuration. Differences in the intensity profiles and the exact location of the resonance reveal the importance of a change in initial state electron configuration for this basically atomic effect. The effective Coulomb interaction between the two 3d-holes is U eff ( 1G) = 12.8, 13.2 ± .2 eV for Ge and GeO 2 respectively. A review of all elemental results then allows the restriction of this resonance to elements between Fe and Rb. The line positions of the resonant final states of the remaining elements As, Se, Br, Kr can then approximately be predicted.

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