
We discuss the effect of superimposing multiple sources of resonant non-Gaussianity, which arise for instance in models of axion inflation. The resulting sum of oscillating shape contributions can be used to ``Fourier synthesize" different non-oscillating shapes in the bispectrum. As an example we reproduce an approximately equilateral shape from the superposition of \U0001d4aa(10) oscillatory contributions with resonant shape. This implies a possible degeneracy between the equilateral-type non-Gaussianity typical of models with non-canonical kinetic terms, such as DBI inflation, and an equilateral-type shape arising from a superposition of resonant-type contributions in theories with canonical kinetic terms. The absence of oscillations in the 2-point function together with the structure of resonant N-point functions give a constraint of fNL≲\U0001d4aa(5) for equilateral non-Gaussianity with resonant origin, but this constraint can be avoided when additionalU(1)s are involved in the breaking of the shift symmetry. We comment on the questions arising from possible embeddings of this idea in a string theory setting.

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