
We have observed a new type of magneto-optical resonance in the luminescence of GaAs samples. When exciting 10 meV to 80 meV above the fundamental gap resonant magneto-luminescence has been observed at a few meV below the laser energy. More than 14 lines with widths of less than 0.5 meV have been recorded in both σ † and σ − polarizations starting at fields as low as 0.6 T. From their polarizations and magnetic-field dependence these lines have been attributed to interband transitions between electron and light hole Landau levels with indices from n = 2 to n = 15. The effects of band nonparabolicity as well as resonant polaron interaction have been directly seen in the spectra. The classical limit of large n at low fields is well realized in our experiments. The light hole mass and effective g-factor have been found to be m lh = (0.078±0.002) m 0 and g lh = 30.7±0.7 for a magnetic field along the [001] direction.

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