
We provide a justification with rigorous error estimates showing that the leading term in weakly nonlinear geometric optics expansions of highly oscillatory reflecting wavetrains is close to the uniquely determined exact solution for small wavelengths (ε). Waves reflecting off of fixed noncharacteristic boundaries and off of multidimensional shocks are considered under the assumption that the underlying fixed (respectively, free) boundary problem is uniformly spectrally stable in the sense of Kreiss (respectively, Majda). Our results apply to a general class of problems that includes the compressible Euler equations; as a corollary we rigorously justify the leading term in the geometric optics expansion of highly oscillatory multidimensional shock solutions of the Euler equations. An earlier stability result of this type [21] was obtained by a method that required the construction of high-order approximate solutions. That construction in turn was possible only under a generically valid (absence of) small divisors assumption. Here we are able to remove that assumption and avoid the need for high-order expansions by studying associated singular (because they involve coefficients of order ) fixed and free boundary problems. The analysis applies equally to systems that cannot be written in conservative form.

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