
An amplitude-modulated high-power laser propagating through a magnetizedsemiconductor exerts a ponderomotive force on free electrons at the modulationfrequency Ω and excites a large amplitude lower hybrid wave. A second laserbeam of frequency ω2 propagating through this region is modulated by thedensity perturbation of the lower hybrid wave, leading to information transferfrom one beam to the other. The modulation transfer is resonantly enhancedwhen the modulation frequency is near the lower hybrid frequency, Ω = ωpcos θ/[εL + (ω2p/ω2c)sin 2θ]1/2, where ωp andωc are the electron plasma andcyclotron frequencies, εL is the lattice permittivity and θ is the anglemagnetic field makes with the surface normal.

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