
The enhanced thermopower of the correlated semiconductor FeSi is found to be robust against the sign of the relevant charge carriers. At $T$\,$\approx$\,70 K, the position of both the high-temperature shoulder of the thermopower peak and the nonmagnetic-enhanced paramagnetic crossover, the Nernst coefficient $\nu$ assumes a large maximum and the Hall mobility $\mu _H$ diminishes to below 1 cm$^2$/Vs. These cause the dimension-less ratio $\nu$/$\mu_H$ $-$ a measure of the energy dispersion of the charge scattering time $\tau(\epsilon)$ $-$ to exceed that of classical metals and semiconductors by two orders of magnitude. Concomitantly, the resistivity exhibits a hump and the magnetoresistance changes its sign. Our observations hint at a resonant scattering of the charge carriers at the magnetic crossover, imposing strong constraints on the microscopic interpretation of the robust thermopower enhancement in FeSi.

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