
A resonant cavity electro-optic frequency modulator at 2.0 GHz was developed for high frequency heterodyne characterization of HgCdTe de-tectors. The standard technique for heterodyne evaluation of HgCdTe detectors beats a CO<sub>2</sub> laser with the filtered incoherent output of a black-body radiator. For detectors which will be incorporated into laser radar systems, it is desirable to perform characterization tests with a coherent, narrow band signal. The electro-optic modulation technique represents a quick, precise measurement that uses a signal which closely simulates the laser radar Doppler shifted return signal. In the electro-optic modulator, a 2.0 GHz microwave signal is coupled into a CdTe crystal to fre-quency modulate a CO<sub>2</sub> laser beam. A dielectrically-loaded cavity insures the phase velocity match of the microwave and the IR signal. The design also allows for modulation at higher order resonances, thus the HgCdTe detectors can also be characterized at 4.0 GHz. No such electro-optic modulator, operating in the GHz frequency range for the evaluation of high speed photodetector performance. is known to have been reported to date.

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