
As shown by Maniar & Newman in 1997, for a long array of bottom-mounted cylinders in the open sea, resonant modes occur as “near-trapping” and large diffraction forces are excited on the cylinders. The mechanism of such a resonant phenomenon was subsequently explained by the present authors in connection with the Dirichlet trapped modes for an array of cylinders aligned perpendicular to the walls in a wave channel. This paper examines similar resonant phenomena for radiation problems. Considered is an array of elastically connected cylinders in a wave channel. The cylinders are surface-piercing and extend to the sea-bottom. They constitute an array in a line, and each cylinder is allowed to oscillate only in the direction parallel to the line. Nonradiating wave modes, which cause only added mass force and no hydrodynamic damping are demonstrated to exist for an array of cylinders across the wave channel. Each mode corresponds to a “dry-mode” for the periodic array of elastically connected cylinders. This result leads to the existence of pure-resonant modes for a periodic array of elastically connected cylinders across the channel. Trapped modes for the corresponding diffraction problem are obtained as the limiting case when the stiffness of the springs has an infinite value.

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