
We have recently studied vector meson-octet baryon (VB) interactions with the aim to find dynamical generation of resonances in such systems. For this, we consider the s-, t-, u-channel diagrams along with a contact interaction originating from the hidden local symmetry Lagrangian. We find the contribution from all these sources, except the s-channel, to be important. The amplitudes obtained by solving the coupled channel Bethe–Salpeter equations for the systems with total strangeness zero show generation of one isospin 3/2, spin 1/2 resonance and three isospin 1/2 resonances: two with spin 3/2 and one with spin 1/2. We identify these resonances with Δ (1900) S31, N*(2080) D13, N* (1700) D13, and N*(2090) S11, respectively. Further, we briefly discuss the results of our investigation of the VB systems when coupled to the pseudoscalar meson-baryon (PB) channels. We find that the low-lying resonances couple strongly to the VB channels, a result which can be useful in studying the reactions involving pseudoscalar and vector meson exchanges. In case of the higher mass resonances (in the 1,800–2,200 MeV region), we find that some of the states claimed as dynamically generated states in the VB system can disappear due to their coupling to the PB channels. We also find that new states can appear from PB–VB coupled channel dynamics; for example, we find that a Σ resonance near 1,400 MeV gets developed due to such an effect.

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