
The resonance two-photon interaction of the broadband squeezedfield (without coherent displacement) with thedipole-forbidden two-level atoms via nonresonant virtual levelsis investigated. It is demonstrated that the broadband squeezedfield excites coherently the system of radiators (atoms,molecules) that have dipole-forbidden transitions. Thetwo-photon Rabi frequency, in this case, is amplified due to thelarge number of couples of correlated modes of the broadbandsqueezed field involved. It should be mentioned that thiscoherent excitation is not specific for optical allowed dipoletransitions. In the high-field limit, the quantum statistics ofthe photon pairs generated in the process of resonancefluorescence is analysed. As the fluorescence spectrum consistsof three bands of the correlated photon pairs we analysed thesecond-order fluctuations in the central and sideband peaks ofthe triplet. It is shown that the amplitude-squared squeezingthat is presented in the sidebands arises from the interactionof the spontaneously radiated photon pairs with the vacuum ofthe electromagnetic field.

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