
Recent cosmological hydrodynamical simulations have produced populations of numerical galaxies whose global star-forming properties are in good agreement with those of observed galaxies. Proper modeling of energetic feedback from supernovae and active galactic nuclei is critical to the ability of simulations to reproduce observed galaxy properties, and historically, such modeling has proven to be a challenge. Here, we analyze the local properties of central and satellite galaxies in the z = 0 snapshot of the TNG100 simulation as a test of feedback models. We generate a face-on projection of stellar particles in TNG100 galaxies, from which we demonstrate the existence of a resolved star-forming main sequence (ΣSFR–Σ* relation) with a slope and normalization that is in reasonable agreement with previous studies. We also present radial profiles of various galaxy populations for two parameters: the distance from the resolved main-sequence line (ΔΣSFR) and the luminosity-weighted stellar age (Age L ). We find that, on average, high-mass central and satellite galaxies quench from the inside out, while low-mass central and satellite galaxies have similar, flatter profiles. Overall, we find that, with the exception of the starburst population, the TNG100 feedback models yield simulated galaxies whose radial distributions of Age L and ΔΣSFR agree with those of observed galaxies.

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