
The identity theory of mind came into existence as a reaction to the theory of Behaviourism. This theory is advocated and developed by different philosophers beginning with Place, Feigl and Smart. According to this theory, certain physical states of brain are identical to mental states. In others words, this theory holds that the so-called mental phenomena like thoughts, feelings, wishes and the rest are identical with the bodily states and processes. Thus to have some specific kind of thought is to have some kind of specific states and processes of bodily cells, typically brain cells. When we say that someone is in a certain mental state, it implies that in the cerebral cortex of the brain of that person, certain physical event is going on. The person concerned may not be aware of the happenings of the brain but these two states are not merely correlated with each other rather these two are one and the same event in the literal sense. Thus this theory asserts that everything mental is physical. But though it speaks of mental states it does not assert that these are not physical. Although this theory is better than dualism and Behaviourism, still it has its own problems. These problems are– the problem of identity, the problem of co-existence and the problem of consciousness. But in this paper I will discuss the problem of identity and the problem of co-existence and subsequently efforts will be made to solve these problems from materialist point of view.

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