
The optical conductivity $\sigma(\omega)$ and the d.c. resistivity $\rho(T)$ within the extended t-J model on a square lattice, as relevant to high-$T_c$ cuprates, are reinvestigated using the exact-diagonalization method for small systems, improved by performing a twisted boundary condition averaging. The influence of the next-nearest-neighbor hopping $t'$ is also considered. The behaviour of results at intermediate doping is consistent with a marginal-Fermi-liquid scenario and in the case of $t'=0$ for $\omega>T$ follows the power law $\sigma \propto \omega^{-\nu}$ with $\nu \sim 0.65$ consistent with experiments. At low doping $c_h<0.1$ for $T<J$ $\sigma(\omega)$ develops a shoulder at $\omega\sim \omega^*$, consistent with the observed mid-infrared peak in experiments, accompanied by a shallow dip for $\omega < \omega^*$. This region is characterized by the resistivity saturation, whereas a more coherent transport appears at $T < T^*$ producing a more pronounced decrease in $\rho(T)$. The behavior of the normalized resistivity $c_h \rho(T)$ is within a factor of 2 quantitatively consistent with experiments in cuprates.

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