
Long-term environmental, social, and economic sustainability is the goal of sustainable agriculture, which aims to satisfy current and future agricultural demands. Having access to enough safe and nourishing food is essential to a healthy and active life. The novel Prodigal Summer revolves around multiple problems, such as environmental conservation, food security, human-nature interdependence, sustainable farming methods, and resistance to modern agricultural practices. The narrative skilfully blends the natural world with the lives of its characters to highlight the tension between conventional farming practices and the expanding movement toward sustainable agriculture. The actors discuss both traditional and contemporary farming practices in the first speech, focusing on how they understand sustainable farming and how they disagree with issues facing the industry today, such as monoculture and genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The second point of contention is how to safeguard food from modern agricultural methods and pesticides. The characters in the novel—Deanna Wolfe, Lusa, and Walker in particular—emphasize the value of biodiversity, organic farming, and the preservation of natural ecosystems in order to maintain a balance between human requirements and environmental care. These characters are acting in unique ways and using their strength and deeds to oppose males and other community members.

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