
Resistant starch (RS; types 1 to 5) cannot be digested in the small intestine and thus enters the colon intact, with some types capable of being fermented by gut microbes. As a fiber, types 1, 2, 3, and 5 are found naturally in foods, while types 2, 3, and 4 can be added to foods as a functional ingredient. This narrative review identifies RS content in whole foods commonly consumed in the United States. Scientific databases (n=3) were searched by two independent researchers. Ninety-four peer-reviewed articles published between 1982 and September 2018 were selected in which the RS was quantified and the food preparation method before analysis was suitable for consumption. The RS from each food item was adjusted for moisture if the RS value was provided as percent dry weight. Each food item was entered into a database according to food category, where the weighted mean±weighted standard deviation was calculated. The range of RS values and overall sample size for each food category were identified. Breads, breakfast cereals, snack foods, bananas and plantains, grains, pasta, rice, legumes, and potatoes contain RS. Foods that have been cooked then chilled have higher RS than cooked foods. Foods with higher amylose concentrations have higher RS than native varieties. The data from this database will serve as a resource for health practitioners to educate and support patients and clients interested in increasing their intake of RS-rich foods and for researchers to formulate dietary interventions with RS foods and examine associated health outcomes.

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