
Generalized resistance to thyroid hormone (GRTH) is an inherited syndrome characterized by hyposensitivity of target tissues to thyroid hormone. The clinical presentation is variable. The syndrome is usually suspected when elevated serum thyroid hormone levels are associated with a non-suppressed thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). While goiter and thyroid test abnormalities have more often led to the suspicion of thyroid gland dysfunction, short stature, hyperactivity, learning disability and goiter in children or adolescents and recalcitrant goiter in adults, should raise the suspicion of GRTH. Hypothyroidism has been considered when growth or mental retardation was the presenting symptom and thyrotoxicosis when confronted with attention deficit, hyperactivity or tachycardia. Failure to recognize the inappropriate persistence of TSH secretion in spite of elevated thyroid hormone levels has commonly resulted in erroneous diagnosis leading to antithyroid treatment. More than 300 subjects with this syndrome have been identified. The mode of inheritance in the majority of families is autosomal dominant. Recessive transmission has been found in only one family. It has long been speculated that this defect is likely to be caused by an abnormal thyroid hormone receptor (TR), but this hypothesis could not be directly tested until the isolation of two TR genes, TR alpha and TR beta. Mutations in the TR beta gene have been identified in 42 families with GRTH. All are located in the T3-binding domain straddling the putative dimerization region and exhibit various degrees of hormone-binding impairment. This finding, and the fact that heterozygous subjects with complete TR deletion are not affected while those with point mutations are, indicates that interactions of a mutant TR with normal TR and with other factors are responsible for the dominant inheritance of GRTH and its heterogeneity. Elucidation of the etiology of GRTH has not only added a new means for the early diagnosis of the syndrome but provided new insights in the understanding of the mechanism of hormone action.

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