
The Post-school Education and Training (PSET) policy seeks to address the education and training needs ofpost-school youth not in education, employment nor training (NEET). The problem of youth NEET has beenresearched from many perspectives. However, there is a dearth of knowledge about the responses, views and actions ofpost-school youth NEET living in this precarious situation. This paper analyses the resistance, critical agency andinitiatives of youth; organisers; and facilitators at a youth development and organisation centre in a township inGauteng. The study is framed by the notion of ‘critical’ agency (Gramsci: 1971) and Bourdieu’s concept of 'strategies'that mediate structure and agency. These concepts enable a focus on critical agency that emerge withinseverely constraining social conditions. Data were collected through the following sources and methods: from a'youth dialogue' amongst engaged youth; ethnographic interviews with post-school youth themselves; interviews withkey individuals such as organisers, leaders and facilitators of programmes; and observations of literacy classes offeredat the centre. Data analysis revealed resistant counter discourses amongst the youth to school and current PSET;acceptance of education for employment; desire for higher quality education; and clear ideas of alternativepedagogies. In addition to these counter discourses the paper highlights the critical agency of key individuals in theface of debilitating structural constraints. Implications for the post school education and training system are raisedand some recommendations are made.

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