
One of the directions in utilization of sintering coke breeze that may be effective is its addition to a coal or coal briquet charge to coke ovens in place of sintering and weakly sintering coals in coal-tar chemical production. For their investigation they took commercial samples of petroleum coke breeze (0-25 mm) obtained from different types of raw material: (1) a semitar (medium straight-run resid) produced from mixed Perm' and West Siberian crudes by the Industrial Association Permnefteorgsintez; (2) a blend of vacuum resid and tar from cracking atmospheric resid (1:1), from the Krasnovodsk refinery; (3) a blend of cracked tars from processing vacuum resid and thermal gasoil (1:1.5), from the Novo-Ufa refinery. The dependence of the yield of resins and asphaltenes in thermal breakdown of coke as a function of the calcination temperature and the coke size distribution was investigated with continuous heating (2-4/sup 0/C/min) and isothermal (high-speed) heating.

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