
Understanding the dynamics of δ13C and δ18O in modern resin is crucial for interpreting (sub)fossilized resin records and resin production dynamics. We measured the δ13C and δ18O offsets between resin acids and their precursor molecules in the top-canopy twigs and breast-height stems of mature Pinus sylvestris trees. We also investigated the physiological and environmental signals imprinted in resin δ13C and δ18O at an intra-seasonal scale. Resin δ13C was c. 2‰ lower than sucrose δ13C, in both twigs and stems, likely due to the loss of 13C-enriched C-1 atoms of pyruvate during isoprene formation and kinetic isotope effects during diterpene synthesis. Resin δ18O was c. 20‰ higher than xylem water δ18O and c. 20‰ lower than δ18O of water-soluble carbohydrates, possibly caused by discrimination against 18O during O2-based diterpene oxidation and 35%-50% oxygen atom exchange with water. Resin δ13C and δ18O recorded a strong signal of soil water potential; however, their overall capacity to infer intraseasonal environmental changes was limited by their temporal, within-tree and among-tree variations. Future studies should validate the potential isotope fractionation mechanisms associated with resin synthesis and explore the use of resin δ13C and δ18O as a long-term proxy for physiological and environmental changes.

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