
Current house setup presents inadequacies of flexibility that bring into unsuitable situation, which examine resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. Social distancing restrictions cause residents to carry out all activities inside the house, including Architecture students. Creativity as an attitude that is needed by Architecture students’ needs to be maintained even if online learning is implemented. This research was conducted on Pradita University students who had experienced architectural studio learning activities, during the protocol period for maintaining the established distance learning. The previous study is adaptation has occurred with layout modifications to residential during the pandemic, further presumption that the house can become resilient by learning process and self-organization process to produce a creative environment. The research method uses direct observation by assigning the respondents themselves as observers who report the observations. The results indicate that space as “a process manifestation” is present in all respondent area in their house. While the space as “social dimension” and “knowledge repository” are held by most of the respondents. Meanwhile, space as “an indicator of culture” and “source of stimulation” was only raised by half of respondents. This paper aims to investigate the implementation of creative space in residential homes. The research results are expected to be used for improving housing providers so as residents can carry out self-organization as a resilience architecture.

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