
Part I: Resilience and Resourcefulness among Grandparent Caregivers Smith, Dolbin MacNab, The Role of Negative and Positive Caregiving Appraisals and Key Outcomes for Custodial Grandmothers and Grandchildren. Castillo, Henderson, North, The Relation between Caregiving Style, Coping, Benefit Finding, Grandchild Symptoms, and Caregiver Adjustment among Custodial Grandparents. Zauszniewski, Musil, Resourcefulness in Grandmothers Raising Grandchildren. Hayslip, Jr., Davis, Goodman, Smith, Maiden, Carr, The Role of Resilience in Mediating Stressor-Outcome Relationships among Grandparents Raising their Grandchildren. Bailey, Letiecq, Erickson, Koltz, Resilient Grandparent Caregivers: Pathways to Positive Adaptation. Fruhauf, Bundy-Fazioli, Grandparent Caregivers' Self-Care Practice: Moving Toward a Strengths-Based Approach. Part II Interpersonal aspects of Resilience and Resourcefulness in Grandparent Caregivers Yancura, Greenwood, Raising Grandchildren as an Expression of Native Hawaiian Cultural Values. Kolomer, Himmelheber, Murray, Mutual Exchange within Skipped Generation Households: How Grandfamilies Support One Another. Dolbin-MacNab, Roberto, Finney, Formal Social Support: Promoting Resilience in Grandparents Parenting Grandchildren. Goodman, Scorzo, Ernandez, Alvarez-Nunez, Social and Personal Resources of Grandmother Caregivers after Grandchildren Are Grown. Part III Strength-Based Interventions with Grandparent Caregivers Conway, Consedine, Orienting to the Positive: A Practice Framework for Grandparent Caregiving. James, Ferrante, Skip Generations: A Strength-Based Mentoring Program for Resilient Grandparent Caregivers. McCallion, Ferretti, Kim, Challenges in Translating an Evidence-Based Health Self-Management Intervention for Grandparent Caregivers. Zuckerman, Maiden, Promoting Resilience: Counseling Grandparents to Raise Effective Grandchildren. Smith, Dannison, James, Resiliency and Custodial Grandparents: Recognizing and Supporting Strengths. Whitley, Kelley, Campos, Promoting Family Empowerment among African American Grandmothers Raising Grandchildren.

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